Welcome to GridLink's Industry Spotlight, your weekly source for the latest developments in electric vehicles, charging solutions, and the evolution of electric mobility. Each week, we handpick the most impactful news, breakthrough technologies, and insightful commentary that shape the electric vehicle sector and its infrastructure. Designed for enthusiasts, professionals, and anyone intrigued by the electric revolution in transportation, our blog aims to enlighten, inspire, and keep you abreast of this dynamic industry. Check back every week to stay ahead of the curve and join GridLink in driving towards a sustainable, electrified future.
State and federal officials unveil new high-speed electric vehicle chargers in a coastal Maine town (Spectrum Local News)
Maryland lawmakers approve a bill that would make it the first state in the nation to require utilities to allow vehicle-to-grid connections, enabling EVs to act as a grid resource. (news release)
The Biden administration is largely looking to gas stations and truck stops to install electric vehicle chargers, which some observers call a natural fit while others say it is a lifeline to fossil fuel infrastructure. (E&E News)
A Minnesota logistics company is piloting a program to determine whether electric semi-trucks can be a viable alternative to diesel-powered trucks. (WCCO)
A tribe in Michigan receives a $4 million grant through the Bureau of Indian Affairs to replace gas-powered fleet vehicles with electric cars and install solar. (Crain’s Grand Rapids Business)
The greater Boston area is one of the country’s biggest electric vehicle markets but still falls far behind several other large American cities in purchases. (WBUR)
Congress member Debbie Dingell of Michigan says the federal government’s role in the EV transition should be to support jobs and ensure vehicle affordability. (Great Lakes Echo)