Welcome to GridLink's Industry Spotlight, your weekly source for the latest developments in electric vehicles, charging solutions, and the evolution of electric mobility. Each week, we handpick the most impactful news, breakthrough technologies, and insightful commentary that shape the electric vehicle sector and its infrastructure. Designed for enthusiasts, professionals, and anyone intrigued by the electric revolution in transportation, our blog aims to enlighten, inspire, and keep you abreast of this dynamic industry. Check back every week to stay ahead of the curve and join GridLink in driving towards a sustainable, electrified future.
Tennessee has seen a 60% increase in electric vehicle chargers from a year ago, though it still lags other Southeast states for charger installation. (WPLN)
A Tennessee university receives a $4.8 million federal grant to develop a “mobile preprocessing hub” to recycle electric vehicle batteries. (Utility Dive)
Electric bus manufacturer Lion Electric suspends operations at a plant near Chicago after failing to hit sales targets since opening last year. (CBS Chicago)
The more than 100 automotive parts suppliers in western Michigan will feel the effects of automakers’ decisions to scale back electric vehicle production, an analyst says. (WOOD-TV8)
Analysts and experts say utilities should scale up time-of-use rates and other programs to help manage load growth from electric vehicles before major investments in distribution infrastructure. (Utility Dive)
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly reliable and are narrowing a wide gap with gas-powered vehicles, according to a new survey from Consumer Reports. (Associated Press)
More than a third of small SUVs sold in the U.S. are now electric, compared to just 15% of sedans, making small SUVs the cleanest category of new vehicles, according to the U.S. EPA. (Washington Post)
In the Portland, Maine area, municipal planners are asking for public feedback about the best locations for vehicle charging stations as they prepare to deploy potential federal funding. (WMTW)