Welcome to GridLink's Industry Spotlight, your weekly source for the latest developments in electric vehicles, charging solutions, and the evolution of electric mobility. Each week, we handpick the most impactful news, breakthrough technologies, and insightful commentary that shape the electric vehicle sector and its infrastructure. Designed for enthusiasts, professionals, and anyone intrigued by the electric revolution in transportation, our blog aims to enlighten, inspire, and keep you abreast of this dynamic industry. Check back every week to stay ahead of the curve and join GridLink in driving towards a sustainable, electrified future.
New England’s EPA administrator says funding should be approved and finalized by this fall for Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey to increase medium-to-heavy-duty vehicle charging infrastructure along I-95 and reduce truck emissions. (Connecticut Public Radio)
The police department in Green Bay, Wisconsin, has launched an electric vehicle pilot program that has deployed two EVs to ticket speeding vehicles and enforce parking violations. (Press-Gazette)
A U.S. Senate committee this week discussed ways to help the domestic electric vehicle industry be more competitive globally. (States Newsroom)
A Michigan auto industry analyst says making electric vehicles more affordable and building out infrastructure will be key to increasing adoption. (WOOD-TV8)
A charging company takes on the problem of “charger hogs” who slowly top off their batteries after their vehicle's quick-charging limit has been reached. (CNN)
A study finds conservative, rural areas have been slow to apply for federal electric vehicle charging grants, primarily due to lack of exposure to the technology rather than political opposition. (E&E News, subscription)
Oklahoma transportation officials collect public input on the state’s draft plan to build electric vehicle chargers and other infrastructure. (KSWO)